Table of Contents - Skeleton


  1. guides
  2. cookbook
  3. table of-contents

Table of Contents

Navigate the hierarchy of headings for the current page.

Deep Linking

Browsers allow you to deep link to any element via the ID. This is accomplished with an anchor tag and hashed (#) href value. When interacting with these anchors, the viewport will automatically attempt to scroll the <body> element and bring the element into view.

<h2 class="#some-example-slug">
Some Example Heading
<a href="#real-world-example" class="anchor">Some Example Heading</a>

TIP: If you abstract scrolling away from the <body> element, this will not work.

Scroll Behavior

You may optionally choose to implement a smooth scroll behavior using CSS.

<body class="smooth-scroll"></body>
body {
scroll-behavior: smooth;

Generate a Slug

The following provides a barebones implementation for generating a slug based on a heading text value.

function generateSlug(text: string, prefix?: string = '', suffix?: string = '') {
// Format the slug from the text value.
const slug = text
.replaceAll(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, '')
.replaceAll(' ', '-')
// Note that you can optionally apply a prefix/suffix.
return `${prefix}${slug}${suffix}`;
// Usage
generateSlug('An Example Header'); // result: an-example-header
generateSlug('An Example Header', 'skeleton-'); // result: skeleton-an-example-header
generateSlug('An Example Header', '', '-skeleton'); // result: an-example-header-skeleton


Specific instructions for generating headings will differ based on your meta-framework and your application architecture. Below are a few suggestions, but this is neither a definitive or exhaustive list of all available options.

  • Astro - enables you to automatically generate headings using built-in MDX features.
  • Svelte - Melt UI provides a headless component solution for Svelte.
  • Next.js - Nextra provides a headless component solution for Next.js + MDX.
  • Rehype Plugin - a general purpose Rehype plugin for generating a table of contents.